OK, let's get it out of the way. You live in a Deed Restricted community. You know it has it's plusses and minuses, but you chose it anyway because, well, "OMG - That house! It's just soooo perfect for us, Honey!" I get it, I really do. That's why I'm here too.
The house IS perfect, the neighborhood IS great, the schools are fantastic, we are close to good shopping, golf, dining and entertainment. BUT, You have an HOA. And that HOA has a Board:
A nasty, bureaucratic, meeting-having, fine-levying, letter-writing, grumpy, group of stuffed shirts and keyboard warriors, hell bent on the destruction of anything and everything you liked about the idea of homeownership, Board. Yep, and they're all yours; elected and appointed to serve you and our community just as best they can. You can't avoid it you have a Board. And guess what? They'd like to meet you.
Friday, September 23rd. 5pm to 8pm at the Clubhouse. If you are around, in the neighborhood, fancy a drink and a nibble, a tour of the clubhouse and facilities and can stomach meeting any of those beasts on the Board, we'd love to see you. Myself and as many Board members as are available would love to host every and any Fairway Springs neighbor bold enough to come and join us. It's the first event in our new social committee's drive to bring us all together and foster a real community spirit.

If I'm being honest, you'll find us to be so much more like you than the descriptions above; we are friendly (not beasts), have busy lives, some work, some are retired, some are parents, others are not. There are pet owners and those with no pets, drinkers and not, shy and outgoing, travelers and homebodies, empty nesters and active parents. Whatever our differences we are all committed to this community and would genuinely like to meet you, listen to you, learn about you, just hang out and enjoy your company. No meetings. No agenda. Just us, together. As a community (with nibbles and drinks of course).
Also, if you consider that a hot date for your diary, make a note of this next one too. And there's still so much more to come:

Saturday, October 29th, 5pm to 8pm at the Clubhouse - TRUNK OR TREAT. Back by incredibly popular demand, with nearly 200 children stopping by last year. Bring your trunk and/or bring your dressed up young. It's a great opportunity to meet fellow parents of similar aged children and a fun time too.
Our new Social Committee is beavering away, despite being only one week old. Early news suggests that coming up, but with dates yet to be confirmed, are the following:
Fall Neighborhood Yard Sale - October - We are attempting to coordinate with Longleaf to drive even more traffic to our neighborhood.
Cookies with Santa Event - Early December - in planning stages - volunteers encouraged to reach out to Ann Gionta (Chair of Social Committee).
Neighborhood New Years Eve Party - Saturday, December 31st, at the Clubhouse - in planning stages - volunteers encouraged to reach out to Ann Gionta (Chair of Social Committee).

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