Happy New Year all, and welcome to 2023. Wow! Didn't last year fly by? I have so much to tell you, but I'm going to try and keep each item short and sweet in the hopes that you'll read this.
The New Years Day event was great and thanks to all who came. The food was fantastic - but I expected to see so many more of you. Where were you? What events can we put on that will bring you to the clubhouse? What would you like to see? If we host the planned Superbowl event - will you come? Email me or the social committee your thoughts: president.fshoa@gmail.com or social.fshoa@gmail.com
Your BOARD spends your money and makes decisions affecting you. Elections are happening in March. If you hate what we are doing, come and depose us. If you love what we are doing and want to be part of it, come and join us. Either way, if you would like to serve on the Board, here are the role descriptions - I'll post another article specific to this topic.
We've added online payment functionality (powered by Stripe) to the website for Pool Key Fobs.
The December compliance hiatus is over. This month the compliance checklist has us looking for Tree Trimming of the big trees.
In February the compliance committee will be focused on Christmas/Holiday Decorations, Roof/Gutter debris and chimneys. You can't say you haven't been warned.
It is my goal that we get to a place where we issue no fines at all, so please pay attention to the compliance checklist and get ahead of the impending issues.
Talking of not paying more than you should, we ended the year with over $20,000 owed from unpaid annual assessments (HOA Dues). Those homeowners are incurring interest and having to pay more. These fines accrue and bring you more debt. Don't let that happen. We are a kind Board, but we will pursue every penny legally owed to us, so do not expect leniency once fines and interest have been levied. As of 1/15/2023 any homeowner owing any money in fines or dues, will have their key fobs turned off and access to the clubhouse denied (in line with our Deed Restrictions Section 7.07. - Remedies of the Association for Nonpayment of Assessments)
Anyone who pays the meetings, minutes and me any attention knows that we live in a very fortunate spot. Our homes are inexpensive by comparison to our neighboring communities, our homes are further apart and our streets wider. We also benefit from the same high quality schools, shopping and infrastructure as they do. We simply pay a lot less for it. This means that our neighborhood has changed from when it was first built. We are now occupied by more families, working people and younger people. we've become a starter home and more transient community. We must recognize that but protect the integrity of our neighborhood through the Deed Restrictions. With over 50% turnover in the last 4 years, a lot of our residents will be newer to the community, to our rules and to each other. Please help one another, share news and events and encourage participation.
You have a Board with big ideas. We pay attention to the changes around us and in our community. We want things to do and places to go, we want a safe and beautiful neighborhood. With that said, we don't have any spare land to do anything on. EXCEPT, the area behind our clubhouse. Please take to the comments below on your thoughts about this idea. I'll be writing a more detailed post subsequently, on this topic.

If you got this far, thanks for reading. We look forward to seeing you in the neighborhood, around and about and at our social events and meetings.

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I agree there is plenty of room for kids to play in their yards & at the playground by the school. I had a neighbor tell me that the HOA board wants to raise the fees to $600!!! I moved here 2 years ago and the fees have already increased twice. I’m not sure why the fees need to be so high.
Just for the record, I am against the expansion of any of the clubhouse facility and surrounding area. To keep it green and a significant noise barrier for those homes behind the clubhouse should be the most important consideration. If there is "extra" money available, let's define that, please. As we all know, The Reserves are not "extra", and are assigned to scheduled replacement of specific existing items and infrastructure. If there are other "extra" funds, then why were our dues just increased? Not wanting to sound like I want no progress, but, at the same time, everyone must benefit (not just some). Thank you for all that you do.
Hi Richard. Thanks for the updates. As far as the space behind the clubhouse I would like to see it left alone. Why does every green space need to be “used”? When you are relaxing in the pool it’s nice to be surrounded by the trees. Kids have enough areas in their yards and they can use the playground by the school. Yes I live right behind the pool and enjoy the peace and quiet Don’t know how many people would attend a Super Bowl party as it’s late on a Sunday night. But there is always a first time to try. Chili cook off? Maybe a good use of our extra money would be some new furniture. Maybe some exercise equipment.…
I would be willing to guess that the homeowners who haven't paid their dues are unaware that the HOA can foreclose on their home. The threat of fines and interest piling up doesn't hold a lot of weight, but potential foreclosure should.
Love the ideas for expanding our common space. It won't be free, but I believe it would enhance our property value.